On-line fine art photography gallery<br>featuring the photographic art prints of noted Pacific Northwest photographer Allan Bruce Zee: unique<br>landscapes; abstract textures; oriental, architectural, and botanical motifs; international locales.
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About the Artist & his Work

About the Artist & his Work

Allan Bruce Zee's color photographs range from his abstract series, "Rustscapes", where he reveals the colorful mythology camouflaged in the often overlooked macrocosmic surfaces of rusting cars and trucks, to an expanded vision which interprets nature's landscape and man's imprint upon it.

Allan's imagery emerges from travels throughout the United States, Europe, Mexico, Bali, Tahiti, and South Africa. His interest in oriental philosophies permeates his work. Since 1984, he has enjoyed printing all of his photographs in the darkroom, interpreting the slide to create the most expressive print possible. In early 2004, he began to make the transition to producing his prints from digital scans of his slides, which can afford even more interpretive freedom while maintaining the same high quality.

In addition to providing fine art photographic prints for display in homes, offices, medical facilities, and a variety of other settings, Allan can negotiate use of his images for publication in books, magazines and websites. His image bank includes over 30,000 photographs catalogued by subject matter and place, so email or call with your specific needs.


Allan Bruce Zee has been exploring the art of photography since 1969. Happily residing in Port Townsend, Washington after 30 years in Portland, Oregon, Allan was born in Chicago, Illinois, where his first artwork was exhibited at the age of 12 at the Art Institute of Chicago. He began photographing while pursuing a career as a psychotherapist.... Read more »

Artist's Statement

"I try to accentuate the emotional impact of color and a simplicity of composition to invite the viewer to attend to deeper layers of meaning in the photograph. My goal is to 'liberate' rather than 'capture' the moment..." Read more »

Comments from Clients

"...elegant imagery...exceptional beauty and quality... the best in fine art photography... evocative and inspirational... visionary... consummate artist and professional... unique style." These are excerpts from clients who have purchased prints from Allan Bruce Zee Photography over the years. Read more »

Collections & Clients

Allan Bruce Zee's photography has been exhibited in galleries, one-person and group shows in 14 cities nationwide. His prints are included in numerous private, public and corporate art collections... Read more »

About the Photographs: Camera/Film/Prints

Allan is extremely demanding when it comes to the quality of his prints. Treating his 35mm camera like a large format camera, employing fine grain slide films with rich color balances, and using excellent photographic papers all go into making as fine a final print as possible... Read more »

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